The vision and reality at Finca Rio Perla did not just materialize. There have been many guiding lights in the lives of Paul and of Lauren to help guide us toward a desire to create a sustainable community based on the principles of organic agriculture and permaculture and social justice. Paul's experiences in Israel on kibbutz (communal farm) and moshav (cooperative farming community) were major beacons.
But, let us also say thanks to our parents for the foresight to send us to Camp Blue Star in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Thanks for providing us with opportunities that you, as children could never have dreamed about for yourselves. BUT ... you were driven to provide your children with all the opportunities to love and appreciate nature and to nurture the environment and to try to live in harmony with others and self. And, you were driven to instill the next generation of Jewish survivors the survival skills in a rough and tumble world outside the ghetto walls. Survival is not just about brains ... but about brawn too and sometimes about brawling mentally and/or physically. Yes, we all must wrestle with the angels (and devils) ... real and imagined.
Rereading the FRP blog posting for August 25, 2011 on "Nature's Way of Telling Us", it reminds me that that Spirit album was my 1st record album, that I won playing cards (hearts) for money (a penny a point) at Camp Blue Star. That record album, along with the original Led Zeppelin and Cream albums and Super Session with Kooper-Bloomfeld were part of the stash won playing cards for a penny a point. So, at a young age the potential gains from "calculated gambling" (jajajaja) really using the brain to overcome challenges with a combo of smarts and instincts and composure and not allowing others to call your bluff ... all these are survival characteristics. Yes, the ability to recognize and assess risks and returns, and not let the fear of risks overcome the quest for positive returns ... risk management is about survival. You need to conquer your fears ... or at least not be guided by the negative things that "could happen".
Anyway, thanks to my parents, Bernie and Irene who sent me to Camp Blue Star to experience nature in nature and in community. Thanks to Lauren's parents, Harvey and Esther, for sending her to Camp Blue Star. And, of course, one of the great adventures of the summer was driving to Camp Blue Star in Hendersonville, North Carolina to take Hannah for her 2nd 8-week summer experience at Camp Blue Star. After 40+ years we drove over the small entry bridge that divides the worlds of of "on-the-bus" and "off-the-bus" ... with such pangs of deja vu. And, then after parking and helping Hannah settle into her bunk among friends from the past summer, we took a walk together down memory lane. And like a cloud of smoke I was directed and pulled to the softball field by the lake where I had been a bastion at 3rd base. I was pulled to the spot ... despite Hannah saying: "There is no softball field by the lake." Well, I was pulled to that field of dreams and found my "sweet spot." And, ok ... as a sign that "times-are-a-changin" it is now a soccer (futbol) field. But ... my place peace ... is there ... and that was the goal of the walk. .
Of course, the major highlight of the summer was the 1st visit by Bernie and Irene Siegel to Finca Rio Perla in June, for their 60th wedding anniversary in July. Yes, Bernie a few months before his 90th birthday and Irene a mere 82 years old came to Costa Rica to experience the experience ... to see the fruits of their labors as parents. The (macadamia) nut does not fall far from the tree (jajajaja)
Anyway, there are many "bottom-lines" of this somewhat babbling blog on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
As a day of reflection, as a day when we all can be in awe of the ugliest parts of history and mankind, let's also say thanks for all that has come from the ashes of the past, be in the camps of mass destruction in Europe during (and after) World War II ... or be it the ashes of the Twin Towers in NYC ... we are the survivors ... and we owe it to ourselves and others not just to say "Never Again", but to to follow the Nike lead and "Just Do It" ... walk the talk ... walk the talk ...
So, thanks to generations past ... for the present ... the good, the bad and the ugly. You saw and felt the ashes of history and instead of letting the flame burn out and extinguish hope... you provided us with the awareness and courage to face our fears and embrace life and community ... and to follow the Blue Star to a green and just world. I realize that all of my childhood and adult life I have tried to make my reality the dream of being in perpetual summer camp ...
Pura Vida. Dr. Paulo
But, let us also say thanks to our parents for the foresight to send us to Camp Blue Star in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Thanks for providing us with opportunities that you, as children could never have dreamed about for yourselves. BUT ... you were driven to provide your children with all the opportunities to love and appreciate nature and to nurture the environment and to try to live in harmony with others and self. And, you were driven to instill the next generation of Jewish survivors the survival skills in a rough and tumble world outside the ghetto walls. Survival is not just about brains ... but about brawn too and sometimes about brawling mentally and/or physically. Yes, we all must wrestle with the angels (and devils) ... real and imagined.
Rereading the FRP blog posting for August 25, 2011 on "Nature's Way of Telling Us", it reminds me that that Spirit album was my 1st record album, that I won playing cards (hearts) for money (a penny a point) at Camp Blue Star. That record album, along with the original Led Zeppelin and Cream albums and Super Session with Kooper-Bloomfeld were part of the stash won playing cards for a penny a point. So, at a young age the potential gains from "calculated gambling" (jajajaja) really using the brain to overcome challenges with a combo of smarts and instincts and composure and not allowing others to call your bluff ... all these are survival characteristics. Yes, the ability to recognize and assess risks and returns, and not let the fear of risks overcome the quest for positive returns ... risk management is about survival. You need to conquer your fears ... or at least not be guided by the negative things that "could happen".
Anyway, thanks to my parents, Bernie and Irene who sent me to Camp Blue Star to experience nature in nature and in community. Thanks to Lauren's parents, Harvey and Esther, for sending her to Camp Blue Star. And, of course, one of the great adventures of the summer was driving to Camp Blue Star in Hendersonville, North Carolina to take Hannah for her 2nd 8-week summer experience at Camp Blue Star. After 40+ years we drove over the small entry bridge that divides the worlds of of "on-the-bus" and "off-the-bus" ... with such pangs of deja vu. And, then after parking and helping Hannah settle into her bunk among friends from the past summer, we took a walk together down memory lane. And like a cloud of smoke I was directed and pulled to the softball field by the lake where I had been a bastion at 3rd base. I was pulled to the spot ... despite Hannah saying: "There is no softball field by the lake." Well, I was pulled to that field of dreams and found my "sweet spot." And, ok ... as a sign that "times-are-a-changin" it is now a soccer (futbol) field. But ... my place peace ... is there ... and that was the goal of the walk. .
Of course, the major highlight of the summer was the 1st visit by Bernie and Irene Siegel to Finca Rio Perla in June, for their 60th wedding anniversary in July. Yes, Bernie a few months before his 90th birthday and Irene a mere 82 years old came to Costa Rica to experience the experience ... to see the fruits of their labors as parents. The (macadamia) nut does not fall far from the tree (jajajaja)
Anyway, there are many "bottom-lines" of this somewhat babbling blog on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
As a day of reflection, as a day when we all can be in awe of the ugliest parts of history and mankind, let's also say thanks for all that has come from the ashes of the past, be in the camps of mass destruction in Europe during (and after) World War II ... or be it the ashes of the Twin Towers in NYC ... we are the survivors ... and we owe it to ourselves and others not just to say "Never Again", but to to follow the Nike lead and "Just Do It" ... walk the talk ... walk the talk ...
So, thanks to generations past ... for the present ... the good, the bad and the ugly. You saw and felt the ashes of history and instead of letting the flame burn out and extinguish hope... you provided us with the awareness and courage to face our fears and embrace life and community ... and to follow the Blue Star to a green and just world. I realize that all of my childhood and adult life I have tried to make my reality the dream of being in perpetual summer camp ...
Pura Vida. Dr. Paulo