We were sad that one of our new goats died during the transition. It seems that it got kicked hard and ... passed away. On the other hand, another calf was born. So, that's farm life. So, now we have 30 goats .. but 2 are very pregnant.
Jenny and her 2 girls Abby and Ada, who are 8 and 6 years old, were at Finca Rio Perla for a few days. They were all happy to be far away from Boston and to be in nature. They were really enthusiastic and energetic and enjoyed all the activities at the farm. The girls played with Hannah and also with Sandra's 2 daughters, Juliana and Camilla, who are 6 and 4 years old. It is always great to have guests who have big smiles and positive energy. Now, they are off to off to continue their travels in Costa Rica..
We were sad that one of our new goats died during the transition. It seems that it got kicked hard and ... passed away. On the other hand, another calf was born. So, that's farm life. So, now we have 30 goats .. but 2 are very pregnant.
Wow ... we just more than doubled our goat population. And just as we are in the process of finishing the infrastructure for 20 goat pens, We have 15 goats including a male and a baby and we were thinking about trying to buy another 5 female goats. But, Hernan who lives in nearby Alegria called yesterday. We met Hernan a few weeks ago. Tirzo took Efrain, Lauren and me to see this close-by goat farm. The visit with Hernan in Alegria helped us in our planning for our new goat houses and milking parlor. Anyway, yesterday he called to say he is ill and needs to sell hs goats immediately. So in the afternoon I went with Efrain, Lauren and Hannah to check out the goats. We made an offer that also included a 60+ year old hand-powered "picadora" (a hand-powered machine that cuts grasses to feed animals). This morning at 6:00am Efrain, Esteban, Hannah and I went to meet Jose with his truck at Hernan's place in Alegria. It took a long time because Hernan and his wife were giving us instructions about the goats and the goat milk market. Hernan had a table with info on the goats by name and number. We tagged the goats so we would know who they are. Hernan and his wife were emotional about saying "adios" to the goats. But, we invited them to visit the goats at FRP. Our goats have great areas for pasture and a beautiful new home being built. Hernan gave us info on his local customers. Arriving at the farm Roger, Miguel and Juan helped us off-load the goats and picadora. Hannah helped collect the goats to put on the truck and to off-load at the farm. Hannah especially protected the baby pure white goat that she named Teddy Blanca. So, ...we now are the biggest goat milk and cheese producers in the area. Oh well ... there are not many goat producers. But, we really love them. The new male was named Tevia by Lauren because of his beard. He is one cool ram. We are hoping to more ahead with a good goat business. With 31 goats (29 females and 2 males) we can increase the herd on our own over the next years. So, we have "Cabras La Perla" (La Perla Goats). L'Chaim. Pura Vida. Dr. Paulo
Tuesday night August 16 we had a nice dinner with 13 people at a long linked table at the Posada Rustica. Vivian and Lauren made a great dinner with help from Chelsea. It was good to have Ami (our buddy from Costa Rica Experience) back at FRP. He came with 3 friends: Edan, Josh, and David. This was David's 2nd visit. Chelsea from Miami is here for a week to recover from a hectic end of summer combo of university studies and work. Rick and Mike cut vegies from the garden and Rick prepared an amazing salad. Newlyweds Kim and Seth arrived and they are staying in Casa Central. Hannah has been helping in the kitchen and enjoying everything. Everyone is excited about the the next days and horseback riding hiking to the waterfalls, swimming, making cheeses, working in the gardens, relaxing, lalalala. the weather is great. Pura Vida. Dr. Paulo
We got a big tractor (backhoe) to clear areas for the new goat houses (and milking area) and the new horse stables next to the new horse arena. Yes, lots of new things going on at FRP. The foundation and roof ot the goat house went up quickly. And we bought another 2 goats. Hannah named them Snuggles and Flower. Jose and Roger are working well together on the construction. We cleaned up one of the cement tilapia ponds and got 2,000 baby tilapia. We need to deal with the small tilapia in our existing ponds. We might need to switch the baby tilapia to the dirt ponds and bigger tilapia to the cement ponds. Continued progress at Casa Communal and the new greenhouse with Rick. Mike is busy keepng up with the expanding egg production. Hannah and Lauren went horseback riding to the macadamia farm and walked to the waterfalls. Pura Vida. Paulo
Paulo, Lauren and Hannah arrived from Miami and were picked up at the airport by Dennis. On the way to the farm we stopped at an antique store near Guapiles and bought an old plow that is for oxen and horses. Since we just got our work oxen, we decided it was a good buy. A 60+ year old plow with really interesting special features (like a wheel to help make turns and to transport the plow and a kick-blade that you kick to rotate). We added the plow to the already packed back of the pick-up that also had a smoker (to make smoked cheese and smoled fish) we brought from the USA. It was fun with Dennis, and we stopped in a lot of places on the way ... checking out restaurant equpment, lalalala Although we arrived a bit 'late' in the day, Hannah insisted on walking to the nearest waterfall ... it was almost dark when we got back ... a good 1st day for Hannah at FRP ...
We were happy to host Pablo and his familia from Barcelona, Spain ... 3 generations, including a 2 1/2 year old boy. How often do you see 3 generations travelling together? They stayed at Casa Central and had their meals at the Posada Rustica. At Casa Central they had their own private "family lodge" to hang out and relax and a big patio for the baby boy to be active. They went horseback riding and hiking to different waterfalls with Efrain, Rick and Mike. They also milked Vivian and Sandra made great food and kept things clean and orderly. Paulo, Lauren and Hannah arrived as Pablo and familia was leaving. But, we all had a nice big dinner together ... It was nice. Pura Vida, Paulo
The temporary goat pens were taken down and the new fenced area for the goats was completed, at least "phase 1". Efrain had a great idea to set up a large tarpaulin to provide temporary cover for the goats while we start on new goat housing and milking facilities. The goats look happy running around and laying around in their new area. The chicken houses have been fixed up and new hens arrived, about 50 more hens .... So, almost 100 hens in all ... Hopefully they will all adjust to the egg-laying housing and the pasture-feeding system. In addition to the pasture near the chicken houses we are trying to feed them more yucca and cut grasses. Mike is happy with the improvements in the chicken houses, especially the improved watering system. Vivian and Sandra have been busy cleaning up the Posada Rustica and Casa Central because more guests are coming this week. The weather is great, Pura Vida. Paulo
OK ... so about 80% of the plastic is up and Rick has started sculpturing garden beds to serve as the entrance to the greenhouse. In the language of Permaculture, there is a beautiful bamboo "key hole" to the greenhouse amidst a rock garden. The greenhouse is about 36 meters (about 100 feet) long and 10 meters (about 30 feet) wide. There are more and more seeds and plants being prepared for planting. Mike is helping fill soil bags. The work oxen arrived at the farm. They were trained by Vivian's father and he walked them over today from his home in Argentina, about 5km away. They got their first work at FRP helping to haul some wood and other things. We will call them Cheech and Chang. Over the weekend we had very nice overnight guests, Christophe and Sakura and baby Noah. They live in San Jose, but are from Canada. They just wanted to chill for a long weekend. They loved the food, and the place and the waterfalls and the cheese-making. Lauren's cooking was incredibly delicious. Alonso, our lawyer, and his mom came to the farm. Her 1st visit. She really loved the place. Who knows, maybe they are interested in building a home here ... Pura Vida. Paulo
Efrain had heard rumors of a tractor-drawn disc-plow for sale. Well, we do not have a tractor, but it is great to have the disc-plow. Efrain, Lauren and Will (our neighbor, who is always helping) and I went to Alegria, the next big/little town (about 5km away) to check out the disc-plow. A real beauty ... and very big.
I negotiated a price that included transport to the farm. I had the cash ready ... so we have a disc-plow. This will be great to prepare land for improved pasture, and for field crops like sugarcane and others, like pineapple. Our neighbor Isaac has a big tractor that we hope we can rent. Also, we still are training 2 work oxen with Vivian's father. They will be good for hauling and plowing and preparing the soil with a small plow after the big disc-plow has turned over the land. The new goat area is looking great. They seem really happy in the new fenced off area. We are looking to buy more goats, and finish the new goat infrastructure. Pura Vida! Paulo .\ Rex and familia visited today. Rex is a Tico-born but multi-cultural guy wtth a Canadian wife and baby son. He is interested in buying as much of our organic macadamias as he can. But, we need to cut the under-brush around the macadamia trees to clear up some areas to harvest nuts that fall under trees. The nuts fall to the ground and they are picked-up by hand. Our trees are transitioning organic, and no chemicals have been used for over 3 years. The nuts are amazing ... varieties from Australia, Hawiall. and Israel. We need to renovate the macadamia trees and the entire 36 hectare area where the macadamia trees are located. a big, but exciting challenge. A big reforestation project, that integrates macadamia trees with fruit trees and wood trees. The macadamia farm area has great soil and is good for food and feed and forage crops. The altitude is 650-750 meters. We just planted coffee at the highest altitudes (500 trees). Anyway, we are considering several ways to get the macadamia area cleaned up for harvest. To be continued ... Pura Vida, Paulo .
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October 2012
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